Nefertiti revealed herself here

Nefertiti images from live cam show

Welcome to my profile! I’m Nefertiti” — a 152 cm tall, 18 years old, 40 kg Couple from Italy who speaks fluent English,Spanish,Italian — and I’m here to drive you wild.

That’s right! Do you have some secret anal, deepthroat, blowjob, roleplay, fetish, teen, squirt, young, italian, skinny fantasies you’d like us to play out?

Some Porn star kinks that you’d like us to role play? Let’s play them!

How much? $ 2.1 per minute for a Skype 1:1 with me, Nefertiti”.

So, if you’re craving for a Porn star Skype show with a Slim model with Black hair, Black eyes, and Small boobs, here I am. I’m your steamy Mixed Bisexual teen fantasy come true!

And 24 members have already given Nefertiti a score of 5 out of 5 for a good reason.

This is how she describes herself
I feel the need for constant communication with other loving beings, to improve myself and to expose my innermost desires and needs, which will help me grow in the Fire of the Soul. You will be my greatest part and bring your sword of fire to my fire. In a way you will be my Creator and DEFINE YOU []

Sento il bisogno di comunicare costantemente con gli altri esseri gentili e affettuosi intorno a me, al fine di migliorare me stesso, esponendo i bisogni ei desideri piu intimi che crescono nel Fuoco della mia anima. Giocare con luci e ombre e la parte migliore di me e porterai la tua spada di fuoco nel mio fuoco desiderato. In un certo senso sarai il mio Creatore e TI DEFINISCI []

Siento la necesidad de comunicarme constantemente con los demas seres amables y carinosos que me rodean, con el fin de mejorar mi propio yo, exponiendo las necesidades y deseos mas intimos que crecen hacia arriba en el Fuego de mi alma. Jugar con luces y sombras es la mejor parte de mi y traeras tu propia espada de fuego a mi fuego deseado. De alguna manera seras mi Creador y TE DEFINE []

Ich habe das Bedurfnis, standig mit den anderen freundlichen und liebevollen Wesen um mich herum zu kommunizieren, um mein eigenes Selbst zu verbessern und die innersten Bedurfnisse und Wunsche aufzudecken, die im Feuer meiner Seele nach oben wachsen. Mit Licht und Schatten zu spielen ist der beste Teil von mir und du wirst dein eigenes Feuerschwert in mein gewunschtes Feuer bringen. In gewisser Weise wirst du mein Schopfer sein und DICH DEFINIEREN []