Did You Knew this about candy taylor

candy taylor images from live cam show

Welcome to my profile! I’m candy taylor” — a 166 cm tall, 25 years old, 68 kg Female from Colombia who speaks fluent English,Spanish — and I’m here to drive you wild.

That’s right! Do you have some secret sex, horny, latin, 18, colombia, new, colombiana fantasies you’d like us to play out?

Some Porn star kinks that you’d like us to role play? Let’s play them!

How much? $ 1 per minute for a Skype 1:1 with me, candy taylor”.

So, if you’re craving for a Porn star Skype show with a Curvy model with Red hair, Brown eyes, and Big boobs, here I am. I’m your steamy Hispanic Bicurious Young Women fantasy come true!

And [object Object] members have already given candy taylor a score of 5 out of 5 for a good reason.

This is how she describes herself
Hello! Candy is my name. I am 25 years old, and I live in Medellin (Colombia).
I am new to the camera, and I love it! It allows me to express myself, enjoy sex and to use toys. Every day, make new friends.
I am also a college student.
I’m grateful for your help! Please, I am asking for your kindness and respect.
I love sex.